Robots & AI

DeepMind’s AI could accelerate drug discovery
A new study suggests that AlphaFold, DeepMind’s AI tool for predicting protein structures, could be useful for drug discovery after all.
Will AI companions help or hurt the “loneliness epidemic”?
About a third of people are lonely. Three scholars consider whether AI can help, or if it’ll just make things worse.
New AI detection tool measures how “surprising” word choices are
A new AI detection tool that measure how “surprising” text is reportedly delivers far fewer false positives than existing options.
See the humanoid robots that will build new BMWs
Data poisoning: how artists are sabotaging AI to take revenge on image generators
Microsoft launches Copilot Pro for “power users”
AI and the future of work in 2024
AI startup Rabbit’s R1 device sells out in 24 hours
Cappella’s AI translates baby cries to help sleep-deprived parents
Cyborg computer combining AI and human brain cells really works
AI robots are making burgers and fries at this new restaurant
Watch amazing Meta AI translate language in near real-time
Google AI discovers 2.2 million new materials for a host of technologies